An Unpaid Worker in a Family Business Is Classified as:

 (Image credit: Reuters)

(Image credit: Reuters)

The labour force participation rate has declined from 30 per cent in 2004-05 to per cent in 2018-19 every bit per the Employment-Unemployment Survey and Periodic Labour Force Survey data.

  • Last Updated:March 08, 2021, 15:58 IST

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In September 2020, when the start National Level Time Utilize Survey data of India, published by the National Statistical Office (NSO) revealed that the average time spent in unpaid domestic and caregiving services by men and women are 36 minutes and 280 minutes, respectively, it confirmed the open hugger-mugger that we all knew, but seldom talked well-nigh: women spend a disproportionately higher time on household work, as compared to their male person counterparts and they practise not receive any remuneration for it.

While this data ignited many debates and discussions about how to recognize the work that women do at home, and many suggested ways to provide compensation for their piece of work, it failed to bring to the limelight another department of women, who not only do the unpaid domestic and caregiving work only besides exercise not get paid for working total fourth dimension exterior their households, in family-owned enterprises.

There are several such women, whom we all know, but seldom notice. The wife of a grocery store owner, for case, who takes intendance of the store customers for hours every day, and does not get paid for information technology, or women who help the male members of their family unit in the farm/agronomics work every day, subsequently taking care of their domestic chores. These women, despite clocking in hours of work outside their homes, do not have whatsoever bargaining power in their homes considering they don't accept financial bureau as the money made from their work more often than not goes to the male members of the family, who heads the business or owns the farm.


However, the National Level Employment Data of India, both National Sample Survey and Periodic Labour Forcefulness Survey data acknowledge these women as employed, even though they are termed as 'unpaid family unit helpers.'

The double Burden

For women who are unpaid family helpers, the burden of unpaid work is manifestly double, and their commitment towards their family-endemic businesses oft terminate them from engaging themselves in better work opportunities in the labour market. Therefore, it should come every bit no surprise that despite the comeback of sex ratio at birth, after regime's introduction of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme in 2015 and the gross enrolment ratio of girls showing pregnant progress betwixt 2014-xv to 2018-19, the labour force participation of women is on the turn down.

The labour strength participation charge per unit has declined from thirty per cent in 2004-05 to xviii.6 per cent in 2018-19 as per the Employment-Unemployment Survey and Periodic Labour Force Survey data. Still, that isn't the merely problem. The kinds of jobs women currently accept access to, practice picayune for their empowerment.

The 'Solo' Entrepreneurs, and the Illusion of regular wages

Co-ordinate to the National Sample Survey (2012), 39 lakhs people are employed every bit domestic workers past individual households, of which 26 lakhs are female person. These women, according to the above mentioned national employment data are considered to be regular 'salaried' employees. Even so, unlike other salaried employees, who take access to healthcare, and in some cases even job security, these women do non have any such privileges.

The same is truthful for those solo women entrepreneurs who run their pocket-size businesses from their homes. Although they are listed as cocky-employed, and they earn their own living, in most cases, their earnings are so low that they cannot beget to recruit staffs or expand their business. Therefore, even afterwards starting their own businesses, which in virtually cases is a challenging process, they continue to remain vulnerable, and any crunch has the capacity to push button them to the brink of poverty, as the COVID-nineteen pandemic has proved.


According to a written report by Amit Basole, Rosa Abraham and Surbhi Kesar, published in, based on the Consumer Pyramid Household Survey of Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, out of every 100 women, 74 lost their jobs during the lockdown and eleven lost over the menstruation till August 2020, whereas these numbers are 36 and 4 respectively for every 100 men. Fifty-fifty the recovery has been uneven, where out of those 74 women, only 24 returned to work, but for men, it was 28 out of 36.

The Route Alee

The route ahead is challenging, and as we rebuild our economic system after a twelvemonth-long crunch induced by the virus, it is perhaps the right time to focus on getting women back into the labour strength with more than secured and better job opportunities. The regime should aim to have policies to solve the multiple issues faced by women like access to decent piece of work, improve working weather condition, ensure wage equality with men, etc. Child intendance facilities at the workplace are one of the utmost requirements and institutional measures are required and then that women can rest the brunt of unpaid domestic chores and exterior work.


It is also observed that working women are full-bodied only in few industries similar tobacco, textiles, education and service sectors and that likewise in the informal sectors. The government should focus on opening opportunities for women in other industries and facilitate their entry into the formal job sectors. Institutional credit facilities along with other basic infrastructural facilities should be provided to women who are running their small enterprises without any workers which will help them to expand their business. Cocky-aid groups tin too be used every bit a medium for providing microcredit to women, especially in rural areas to kickoff their own piddling business concern and enter into the labour market resulting in their socio-economic empowerment as seen in states like Odisha, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, etc. The gender budget allocation should also increase in the coming years. This year, Rs. 25.26 thousand crores were allocated for women-specific schemes.

(Views expressed are personal. Priyanka Chatterjee is a labour economist, and Amarnath Tripathi is an Agriculture and Natural Resource Economist.)

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